Moonwell x100
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Server rules

You can contact a GM via our Discord ticket system if you disagree with the decision and do not accept the fact of your violation. You can and will be asked to provide evidence. Remember that you cannot issue a complaint if more than 14 days have passed since the start of the punishment.

1. Player communication
 Rule  Violation
If repeated
1.1 Insulting players in chat.
Chat mute for 30 minutes.
Chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
Excessive use of profanity in global chats.
Global chat mute for 30 minutes.
Global chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.3 Posting similar or repetitive messages in the chat at a rapid speed that does not entail any implication or logical meaning (flooding).
Chat mute for 30 minutes.
Mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.4 Encouraging other players to actions that violate the server rules. Misinforming other players regarding actual server rules.
Account ban up to 3 days. Account ban for 7 days.
1.5 Encouraging other players to stop playing. Discussing moving to another server or leaving our server openly.
Account ban for 3 days. Permanent account ban.
1.6 Impersonating yourself or other players as a confidant of the Administration or GM to mislead other players.
Account ban from 7 days up to permanent. Permanent account ban.
1.7 Implicit or explicit advertisement for other game servers or suspicious web resources.
Account ban for 3 days.
Permanent account ban.
1.8 Frequent usage of messages that consist of capital or alternating capital letters within global chat channels.
Global chat mute for 30 minutes.
Global chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.9 Chat message color change with usage of special commands and addons.
Global chat mute for 1 hour.
Global chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.10 Skillflood: causing inconvenience to the players by forming semantic sequences with multiple copying of the names of quests, items, spells, etc. into the chat.
Global chat mute for 30 minutes.
Global chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.11 Using .guild announce command inappropriately.
Account ban for 1 day.
Account ban up to 7 days.
1.12 Purposeful discrediting of players using deliberately false information. Chat mute for 12 hours. Chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
1.13 Incitement of hatred through any form of propaganda, agitation, or statements implying a connection with politics, including fascism, nationalism, and related ideologies. Chat mute for 3 days. Chat mute for a double period from the previous one.
2. Accounts, characters, and their values
 Rule Violation
If repeated
2.1 Using character nicknames, pet names, or guild names that explicitly or implicitly contain offensive, obscene expressions, or expressions promoting hatred based on racial, national, ethnic, or religious affiliation is prohibited. Additionally, the use of nicknames associated with GMs or Administration, as well as terms related to the Administration, is also prohibited.
Forced renaming, account ban for 1 hour.
Forced renaming of violation object; account ban for 14 days.
2.2 Account transfer to another player for permanent use, participation in trading transactions, exchanges related to accounts/characters, or any exchanges unrelated to the in-game objects of our server, including transactions with the purchase/sale of anything for coins between players, including transactions with buy/sale of something for coins among players. Exchanges of in-game valuables between realms is also prohibited. Discussion of such transactions or mentioning them may be regarded as a violation of this rule.
Permanent account ban. -
2.3 Participation in fraudulent schemes to achieve access to other player accounts.
Permanent account ban.
2.4 -
2.5 Account authentication data publication (login-password, email-password) in game chat or other places that are not a private conversation.
Permanent account ban.
3. In-game process
 Rule Violation
If repeated
3.2 Intentional continued inaction, playing in several windows or false resistance in battlegrounds, or kills/honor farming in PvP active zones.
Account ban for 7 days. It may involve following sanctions: resetting to zero honor points; complete equipment removal, that could be purchased with honor points or marks of honor. Account ban for 30 days. It may involve following sanctions: resetting to zero honor points; complete equipment removal, that could be purchased with honor points or marks of honor; reset the honorable kill counter.
3.3 Repeated inaction (wintrade), false resistance, or playing in several windows from one computer when playing rated arena.  Handing over character control to another player to improve the arena rating in exchange for any in-game or material kind of values (boosting).
Account ban for 21 days; deleting the arena equipment, ranks, teams, and resetting arena points from the character at the GM's discretion. Either a ban on participating in the arena for a period of up to 7 days.
Permanent account ban; deleting the arena equipment, ranks,  teams, and resetting arena points from the character at the GM's discretion. Either a ban on participating in the arena for a period of up to permanent.
3.4 "MultiBox" (multibox) addon usage. Moonwell x100 case: addon is forbidden only in PvP.
Account ban for 3 days.
Permanent account ban.
3.5 Usage of software that gives a gaming advantage over other players and is not provided for by the normal gameplay; dissemination of information on this software.
Account ban up to 3 days.
Account ban up to permanent.
3.6 Using bugs or disseminating information about them in order to benefit or harm players /server/server administration reputation, or performing systematic actions that pursue the same goals.
Up to permanent ban; Confiscation of obtained items as a result of violating actions.
Permanent account ban.
3.7 Systematic fraud in trade, mail delivery, or any other form of fraud aimed at stealing valuables.
Account ban for 21 days; Confiscation of obtained items as a result of fraud or their approximate equivalent in other valuables.
Permanent account ban.
3.8 - - -
3.9 Intentional obstruction of game event making by administration.
Account ban up to 7 days.
Account ban for 30 days.
3.10 Organizing and/or calling for participation in /roll casinos or other gambling games.
Account ban up to 30 days.
Permanent account ban.
3.11 Ninja-looting in raid
Account ban up to 3 days. Removal of the items involved in violation.
Account ban up to 14 days. Removal of the items involved in violation.
3.12 Systematic misuse of complaints or moving players into separate groups with the aim of causing inconvenience on battleground or in solo 3v3 arena. Account ban for 7 days. Account ban for 14 days.
3.13 Systematic kicking of players from an active raid without an objective reason. Account ban for 14 days. Account ban up to permanent.
3.14 Obstruction to the gaming process by extortion of any kind of valuables. Account ban up to 7 days. Account ban up to 30 days.
4. Interaction with GM and Administration
 Rule Violation
If repeated
4.1 Contact the GM or the Administration for no reason, creating obstacles and distracting them from doing their job.
Account ban or chat mute for 3 hours.
Account ban or chat mute for 3 days.
4.2 Direct or indirect insulting, disrespect, extortion, blackmailing, threaten, flame, trolling towards GM or Administration.
Account ban up to 7 days.
Account ban up to 30 days.
4.3 Deliberate distribution of defamatory information, slander, deliberately false information or rumors about the GM, the Administration or the server.
Account ban or chat mute up to 14 days.
Account ban up to permanent.
4.4 Intended fraud to GM or Administration
Account ban or chat mute up to 7 days.
Account ban up to permanent.
4.5 Criticism of the GM or the Administration actions, or censure, the accusation of anything outside the Discord tickets.
Account ban or chat mute up to 3 days.
Account ban up to 14 days.
4.6 Creation of false complaints in Discord tickets directed towards players, GM or Administration, as well as falsification of screenshots or other information indicating violations.
Account ban for 30 days. Permanent account ban.
  1. Ban with a reduced period (at least 1 minute) can be issued, to the discretion of the GM as a warning. It is applied to violations with a ban period of up to 7 days and with confirmation of violation. The warning will be given to a player only if this rule has not been violated earlier.
  2. Mute duration is calculated based on the time spent in the game.
  3. In the event of a combination of violations, the blocking periods are summed up.
  4. Ban can cover several accounts with the same punishment in cases of complicity in the commission of the violation.
  5. Ban can be applied to several accounts or characters of the violator at once, taking into account each violation from these accounts, up to the GM's discretion.
  6. Main server administrator (Gensen) can evaluate the actions of the players and impose any sanctions on them in cases not mentioned within a server rules if necessary.
  7. All players must monitor the presence of software prohibited by paragraph 3.6 on the computers from which game servers are accessed.
  8. You can contact a GM if you disagree with the decision and do not accept the fact of your violation. You can and will be asked to provide evidence. Remember that you cannot issue a complaint if more than 14 days have passed since the start of the punishment.
  9. Responsibility for violations lies with the account owner, regardless of who did the violation.
  10. All players are obligated to not withhold information about bugs that are known to them. It is possible to get a reward in coins for reporting critical bugs.
  11. Before logging in for the first time, the player is advised to delete the Cache folder in the game directory in order to avoid misinformation, if he already used this client to play on another server.
  12. All players must track changes on this list and update lists on their own.
  13. Depending on the circumstances and context account transfer for temporary use can be considered as a permanent transfer.
  14. For each new raid, the default rules for loot distribution are: "you can roll anything except items that are useless for your character or don't fit the current spec". Raid leader can set other rules (e.g. reserving certain items, rolling specific characters to another spec, going to a specific boss by another alt-character, etc.) with obligatory notification of all raid participants in the raid-chat. Only specific items can be reserved (except for raid guilds that use a different allocation system from the roll). Loot can be conceded only to the next player on the roll. To make a complaint of raid cheating, the player must provide evidence in the form of screenshots proving the violation and the raid CD number. Complaints submitted after 24 hours are not considered. This game moment has many nuances, so each situation is evaluated by Game-Master individually. Illegally obtained items are seized and sent to the claimant with the highest roll, if this information can be confirmed by logs.
  15. If the complaint relates to the violation, which involves chat, you must upload a screenshot, which shows the fact of violation and output ".server info" command with the server time in one chat window. Time differing more than 5 minutes with the time of the violation may be grounds for rejection of the complaint. Violations of the rules of communication in chat are considered to be invalid after a week from the date of the violation. Your screenshot may be shown to the offender as evidence of his violation, so if you want to remain anonymous, hide your nickname on the screenshot by visual editing.
  16. Before the first log in to server and after each update, players are obliged to delete Cache folder in game directory in order to avoid problems with descriptions.